There’s a lot to consider when thinking about going solar for your home, and some of the information can be confusing. Here are 5 myths about solar energy that in our experience sometimes keeps people from fully exploring the benefits of solar power energy systems for their home or business. Go solar with confidence.

1. MYTH: Solar energy is a passing fad.

FACT: Solar energy is growing and fast! In New Zealand and indeed all over the world, the amount of available solar energy has gone up year after year, with big investments and increases coming in 2021.

2. MYTH: Solar doesn’t work when the sun’s not out!

FACT: While it’s true the solar panels can’t collect enough sunlight to power your home at night, most solar energy systems these days are built with this in mind! Alongside your solar panels will be batteries that can store the clean solar energy generated during the day for you to use whenever you need.


3. MYTH: Solar is expensive.

FACT: The cost of solar has gone down a lot since it was first brought to market. And with so many financing options available, you can end up paying less each month for solar than you do with traditional energy.

4. MYTH: Solar panels bring down property values.

FACT: A home that adds a solar power energy system is actually more likely to go up in value than down. You’ve added a self-sustaining renewable energy source that a new homeowner would take full advantage of without having to deal with the installation process.

5. MYTH: If I have a big home, solar will cost me more.

FACT: Your home size only impacts how many solar panels you can physically put on the roof. However, all needs are not the same. Not all homes need or want to maximize the energy-generating space. There are combination systems where only parts of the home or specific appliances are powered by solar, and the rest comes from the electric grid. How you do it is up to you!


And there you have it! Don’t forget the last misconception though—that just anyone can install solar panels! Only trust your job to an experienced, vetted professional to help you get the most from your solar energy system. Make the most of our New Zealand sun and talk to an expert about how to install your panels for the maximum output and savings.